Tuesday, February 24, 2009

News from Ixtapaluca

To view some links regarding the current narco-political crisis in Ixtapuluca, click




A Video with Impact

Another disturbing report for the border. Click HERE.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Drug conflict article...again.

For yet another article on Mexico's drug wars, click HERE.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Church Planting by Ken Hanna

Hi all,

I found a great article in Spanish on Obrerofiel from our brother Ken. Brought back a lot of memories of our talks about this very subject. You can read it by clicking HERE.

Here's a Ken joke:
Hablando de perspectiva, me acuerdo de un doctor que entró a un salón para hablar con un ancianito, ya medio moribundo. El doctor le traía uno de sus exámenes, pero acercándose a la cama se da cuenta de que ahí esta la esposa del ancianito, conversando íntimamente con él. Entonces el doctor, no queriendo interrumpir, se aparta un poquito y, sin querer, escucha. Lo que oyó es algo más o menos así:

“Martita, ¿te acuerdas que todos estaban en nuestra contra? Nadie quería que nosotros nos casáramos y yo con las dudas también, pero ahí estabas tú, insistiendo siempre. Nos casamos, después vino la guerra, y todo mundo me decía loco por ser voluntario, pero ahí estabas tú, animándome así que me fui. Ahí me rompí la pierna, regrese herido y al bajarme del buque ahí estabas tú, esperándome. Vino el tiempo de la baja de la bolsa y perdimos todo, pero ahí estabas tú, recuerdo que entonces quise pedir un préstamo de tu papá y el dijo que no me iba a prestar nada. Pero ahí estabas tú, insistiéndole para que me prestara y salimos adelante. Compramos caballos y nos iba bien cuando de repente todos se murieron, pero ahí estabas tú.

Ahora ya tengo cuatro meses en este hospital, y cada vez que abro los ojos, lo primero que veo eres tú. He estado reflexionando sobre todo esto y estoy convencido de que tu eres muy mala suerte.”

Monday, February 9, 2009

LA Times articles on the drug war.

Click HERE for a link to a lot of info on Mexico's war on drugs.

There are many, many links on related stories on this page.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Fierce Soccer Rivalry

If you're an estadounidense in Mexico, this Wednesday presents a lose-lose proposition. If the U.S. wins, well, we're not very well liked here. If the U.S. loses, then the laughs and burla.

Check out an article on the growing U.S.-Mexico rivalry by clicking HERE.

My son Daniel has both the U.S. and Mexico soccer jerseys. He wears, of course, the jersey of the team that wins! Being bi-national is great.


Perhaps you've heard that the same church/organization that produced Facing the Giants has recently released a Christian movie nationwide called Fireproof, about the importance of a strong marriage and the threats against marriage.

Apparently it has been either dubbed or subtitled in Spanish. This could be a good option for ministry here.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Meeting Confirmed

Our first team meeting will be Tuesday, February 17 at Ixtapaluca, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., finishing with comida.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Politics in Mexico...AMLO

Remember AMLO, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador? The man that oh so narrowly lost the 2006 Mexican presidential election? Well, he's not going away anytime soon, and by all observation appears to have already started indirectly campaigning for the 2012 contest, this time supported primarily by the PT (Partido del Trabajo).

For more, click HERE. It's a recent article on AMLO by the New York Times.

For a FOXnews article on violence on the border, click HERE.